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Reflex Integration Therapy

When you build a house you always start at the foundation. When working to help your child succeed it is important to do the same. In utilizing the Magutova Method in therapy we do just that. 


MNRI simply uses sensory input to get a motor output using manual based therapy, movement, and facilitation of development patterns to help your child. MNRI is:


  • Natural and noninvasive 

  • General MNRI methods are easily learned and taught 

  • MNRI techniques complement other traditional methods of therapy 

  • Bottom-up approach works from the level of the reflexes in the central nervous system (CNS) to make lasting changes to the brain and body 

  • Motor exercises and techniques can be performed without equipment, require just minutes each day, and can be practiced in the clinic, at home, or even at schools and daycares. 


Would your child benefit from Reflex Integration Therapy?
Here Are a Few Red Flags: 

  • Difficulty with attention or memory 

  • Problems with managing emotions or challenging behaviors 

  • Can’t seem to sit still or “fidgety” 

  • Picky eater 

  • Poor manual dexterity or messy handwriting 

  • Uncoordinated movements 

  • Poor sleep 

  • Difficulty throwing and catching 

  • Toe-walking or “W” sitting 

  • Poor sensory processing (hyper sensitive or under responsive) 

  • Learning Issues with reading, spelling, or math 

About Masgutova Neuro Sensory-motor Reflex Integration (MNRI)

  • Reflex integration is a hidden, but important, key piece of development. Having well integrated reflexes is the key to learning with ease, managing our emotions and impulses, and meeting life’s challenges with greater success. Reflex integration involves natural noninvasive movements and techniques that can be performed without equipment in almost any environment.  

  • MNRI is one of the few, truly holistic, approaches with a broad application that can help anyone who is faced with a challenge despite the level of function, dysfunction or pathology that exists  

  • A reflex is a specific motor response that is elicited by a sensory stimulus 

  • Our primary reflexes serve as the foundation for all volitional and functional movement and cognitive development 

  • When reflexes are not appropriately experienced or integrated by the body, it causes a disconnect within the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). 

  • Reflexes are the neurophysiological basis for survival and exist to keep us safe 

  • Reflexes/ primary motor patterns occurring in the brain stem are the source of sensory-motor development in the midbrain and whole brain development in the cortex 

  • Primary reflexes are the first sensory motor patterns to develop before birth. Therefore, reflex integration should be the first step in evaluating and treating children during therapy sessions 

1810 E Main St

Mandan, ND 58554


Hours: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm, Monday - Thursday

Office: 701-415-0000  |  Fax: 833-969-0195

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